Are you a professional woman feeling unsatisfied and unfulfilled with life, called to follow your heart and take a leap into an uncertain future?

Have you given everything to your work, taken care of family and been successfully managing and juggling it all, but now feeling empty and realising there must be more to life?

Are you feeling called to make change? To choose new pathway but what? Or is there an unfulfilled dream still sitting in your heart waiting to be birthed?

Do you finally have the space and time to yourself and you hear yourself say 'It's my time!" but you're not sure what to do and you're feeling scared and apprehensive about moving forward?

Have you recently had a wake up call or big change in life and you've experienced loss of a relationship, health or work and your way forward is like facing a dark tunnel of uncertainty and fear?

Have these experiences meant you've started questioning your purpose for being here? Are you clear you're meant to make a difference and you want to contribute and give back because it means so much more to feel your life is worthwhile and meaningful?

Now imagine if you could connect to your inner wisdom and discover exactly what to do next.

So you'd know any decision is in alignment with your purpose.

Would that give you wings?  

Imagine the courage and confidence you'd have to leap into the unknown, when you know your next steps come from your Divine Guidance. 

You'd share your magic with the world and let yourself shine.

You'd give yourself permission to be 100% YOU.

You'd create abundance and make a difference.

I'm going to be really honest with you. Following your inner knowing is simply an amazing adventure.  

But not always an easy one.  

It's a spectacular journey that's true - but there are going to be times when you are sh*t scared about stepping out there. It takes real guts.  

And the number one essential is having an experienced, successful coach and mentor beside you who's been there and offers practical advice and proven strategies to guide you.  

Who holds the space for accountability, cheers you on and celebrates your achievements and successes with you.  

And it's vital your coach can help you discover all the asnwers you seek are within, understands your strengths and shares your dreams, and helps you implement the practical steps it takes to create a new and fulfilling pathway forward.


  • You wake up inspired, and excited about the day ahead
  • You feel supported by the universe and tuned in to your inner Guidance
  • You feel the satisfaction of moving forward each day, loving your life, feeling purposeful and making confident decisions.

If you're serious about making a bigger impact, taking control of your future and living your purpose, book in for a Connection Session. It's free.

During that session we'll explore the 5 things that are keeping you stuck and which key area to target to get you moving again.

At the end of our first chat we may explore working together further, if we both feel this would be in our best interests.

The Session is conducted on Zoom (or by phone if in Australia)

If you're here and you've read this far, it's not an accident. I'd love to chat to you.

Jen xo

Book a 30 minute Connection Session now.
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I'm Jenny McFadden and I'm a Life Direction Coach and Intuition Teacher. 

I empower the professional woman to discover her inner truth, to tune in and trust her intuitive guidance, and create the prosperous and joyful future she's been dreaming of, and deserves. 

I live in Sydney, Australia with my husband and teenage son. I love my clients, we are all soul sisters and together we make the world a place of peace and joy. 

I love to create, I love to talk about magic, raising our consciousness, marketing, quantum physics, crystals and making art and how amazing we are at creating synchronicities and attracting abundance, love and miracles into our lives.

* Coach, Trainer, Best Selling Author, Energy Medicine Expert, Intuitive Artist, Qigong Teacher and Speaker. 

* BA (Psych) Dip Ed, PCT Coach, Kinesiologist, University and College Lecturer, NLP, EFT, PCT and a long list of other modalities.  

Copyright © Jenny McFadden 2023

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